Last post of 2011
This will be the last post of 2011.
It’s been a very interesting year in a lot of different areas.
The most important for me personally has been the achievement of my CCIE. I have worked very hard for this and it finally paid off.
My girlfriend and I also decided it was time to look for a house. We have spent many hours looking through papers and online advertisements for homes. We have seen about 15 different houses, bid on 2, but we havent bought one yet. This is a project that will stretch well into 2012.
Work life has been interesting, with new responsibilities as well as a settling into new headquarters.
I hope 2012 will bring bigger and more exciting challenges in the work area.
Also in the career space, i have enjoyed many hours in front of blog posts, podcasts and video lectures from many very bright people in the industry. Something i will certainly be continuing in 2012.
Family life has been picking up as i have more time to spend with family, enjoying dinners and outings. I have missed out a lot of events during my studies, so its nice to see them all again 🙂
I want to wish you all a very happy New Years, hoping you will all achieve whatever goal you have set for yourself.
Take care!