Recertified & Plan
I have recertified by doing the SP written exam.
Took me a while, but now its done.
My plan is to hit the labs, starting with Narbik’s SP workbook, working my way through that one. That should keep me occupied for quite a while.
After that I plan on going to a SP bootcamp at some point in 2013. Which one and where im not sure of yet. It all depends on availability.
Finally, I will be doing the INE workbook.
An issue however, is rack availability. The Service Provider stuff includes IOS-XR which require a minimum of a 12000 series router, which doesnt come cheap.
Rack rental is also an option and at least INE now has open slots after adding some more racks.
I can do alot of Narbik’s labs on the hardware i have in my rack already, so there is no pressure in making a decision just yet.
Anyways, im off to it!