New Lab Server & random updates

New Server:

So I just completed a purchase off eBay for a new server for my lab purposes.

For a while now I’ve been limited to 32Gb of memory on my old ESXi server, which is really more like 20Gb when my regular servers have had their share. Running a combination of different types of devices, each taking at least 4Gb of memory, doesn’t leave much room for larger labs.

I decided to go with a “real” server this time around. So I got an older Cisco UCS C200 M2 server with 2 x Xeon 5570 processors and an additional 96 Gb ram (on top of the 24 it came with). That stil leaves room for a bit of memory upgrades in the future (it supports a total of 192Gb) (had a budget on this one, so couldn’t go crazy).


Work has been crazy lately. 2 of my Team members just resigned so a lot of workload has to be shifted until we find suitable replacements. That means I’ve been working 65+ hour work weeks for a while now. Something that I dont find even remotely amusing to be honest. But I’ve been reassured that everything is being done to interview candidates, so im hopeful it will work out after the summer holidays.

We have a lot of interesting projects coming up, fx. our first production environment running Cisco ACI. This also included some very good training. Its really a different ball-game compared to the old way of doing Datacenters.

Also on my plate is some iWan solutions. Pretty interesting all in all.


Im still reading my way through the Cisco Intelligent WAN (IWAN) book. Its still on my list of things to do to take the exam I mentioned earlier, but keeping the work network running takes priority. Also I can’t help but feeling the pull of another CCIE when time permits, but its still just a thought (we all know how that usually goes right? 🙂 )


September 16, my long-time girlfriend and I are getting married! Yes.. Married. Scary, but still something I look forward to. We’ve been together for an amazing 11 years on that date so its about time (she keeps telling me). As you may know, I proposed when I went to Las Vegas for Cisco Live last year, so its very memorable 🙂

Thats about it for now!

Take care!