Customers Vs. Service-providers.

I wanted to take the opportunity to pitch in on the discussion thats presented in this article by Ivan Pepelnjak: with the headline of “P2P traffic is bad for the network”. I agree with the headline… Somewhat… P2P is bad for the network, in the sense that it causes congestion and because of that, it makes using the net a bad experience for everyone else.

Cisco strategy and direction.

Anyone who has been following Cisco products recently (last year or so), must have noticed Cisco’s new products. This includes the Flip video recorder as well as the new tablet that has just been announced. On top of that, adding the Linksys brand to their portfolio a couple of years ago, proves they are going in a completely different direction than previously.

CCIE Study

I wanted to take some time to write up something about the cost of doing the CCIE track. This is prompted by some recent events in the CCIE training community and some discussion on twitter about studying in an economic downturn.

Warning: Real life post

It has been an insane extended weekend. We have been doing 90% physical stuff all weekend long. Most of Friday and Saturday passed, with us painting the living room ceiling. We wanted to freshen it up as we are working on creating a whole new living room.

Just about

So im almost ready to release my first version of my flashcards. I had hoped to reach 200 questions by today, but i havent been able to manage that yet. Lots of real life stuff has been happening today (completely cleaning two cars as well as putting summer-tires on them).

Mid-april update.

Long time since last post. There are reasons for that. First of is labs. Ive been doing quite alot of labs. I finished Narbik’s Vol 1 workbook. All good stuff, and I learned alot of material that was not covered in the written blueprint.


Just wanted to let everyone know that im working on a post describing the Narbik bootcamp. Just concentrated on labs at the moment. It will arrive shortly 🙂


Done packing.

Im done packing for Narbiks bootcamp next week. I will be flying out tomorrow morning and probably be at the hotel at around 1ish in the afternoon. I have brought my training clothes, and hopefully ill get to utilize the hotel gym facilities during the day.

Landed a new job.

I have just landed a new job. It is a networking company, doing alot of security, ip telephony and general network consulting. The company can be found here. It is called NetIP. The company is located about 30km from where I live, so a little drive in each direction is nessecary.

Basecamp reached.

Lately I havent been keeping up my chores on the blog. Theres a good reason for this. I have really been studying hard to do the written exam again. Done lots of practice tests, a lot of technology focused labs on especially some edge areas where I wasnt 100% sure of things.

Advertising on

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I have been very busy with real-life things as well as reading a bunch of stuff. Does anyone know if it is legal to advertise on I cant find any guidelines regarding this in the terms-of-service.

Added Goal

So I havent posted for a while, because i have been admitted to the hospital. I am suffering from anxiety attacks, and its something I need to do my best to combat in order to live a normal life again. So ill use this place to hold my thoughts regarding this goal as well.

ISCW Passed.

I just passed ISCW. Im really glad this one is over with. But I have ALOT of reviewing for the material in this one, when i finish the rest of the CCNP track. I could especially feel that not having access to the FW and IPS parts really hurt me.

Need a get-ready-for-iscw pill, anyone?

I really wish I would feel more ready for this one. On top of things, I feel sick again… Never ending story. I wish someone could just cure me once and for all. I have been somewhat sick for the better part of 3 months now, and its really starting to take its toll.

Trying some reading.

I am trying to get some reading done, even though its extremely hard when im still sick. However, I only got about 5 chapters left in the examination guide. hopefully I can finish them soon, and do some of the last case studies in the lab book.

Sick at the moment.

Sorry for the non-posts. I am quite sick at the moment. Some stomach issues that apparently takes its time to settle. I was hospitalized 10 days ago, but got out the next day. Since then, I have not been to work or been doing anything at all actually.

Spanning-tree issues.

I have been working my a** off trying to understand STP just fairly well. Its a hard topic, especially with Rapid STP. I have struggled with the synchronisation/proposal/agreement thing. It has helped seeing it on the equipment though. An alternate port can be switched to immediately.